Free Personality Assessments Based on Works of Jung, Myers, Briggs and Keirsey

March 2016 Update

I have added a separate, but very detailed introversion / extraversion assessment from Scientific American magazine. This is the most confusing and misunderstood dimension of the four in the personality assessment below so you might want to try this Scientific American assessment to better understand yourself, and/or the concept of introversion / extraversion, itself, and possibly others with that better understanding.

January 2016 update

The personality assessment here is now available as a free iOS app in the iTunes App Store! (my version is an Excel spreadsheet that works like software)

Thank you very much to Shawn Seymour, a student at the University of Minnesota, Morris, who wrote the app for free and made it available for free! Please check out his other work on his site!


Get a free, complete personality assessment via the personality typing system created by Carl Jung, popularized by personality assessments as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®)* and Keirsey Temperament Sorter® (KTS®). This assessment is neither the MBTI® nor the KTS® (both paid services), though it has the same objective to identify your personality type in Jung’s personality typing system. The questions are just slightly different from the KTS® to extract the most accurate answers from users so you can get the truest results for yourself.

Why is method so important?

All the personality assessments mentioned above rely on how honestly you answer questions about yourself. They are only as good as you can be honest about yourself. Unfortunately, being honest about ourselves is something we are all challenged with to some extent in life. We all have biased self-perception, misconception or ignorance of our nature, or inconsistent understandings of what it means to be something. To overcome that, the questions in the assessment here ask about common real life situations so people can recall how they reacted rather than theorizing how they would react. What people say and do can often be very different! Cultural biases, obscure expressions, words with stigmas or noble connotations, and the like, have also been minimized.

Why do this assessment or do it again?

Ultimately, you’d do this assessment to get an objective view of your personality, what you are generally like in life and how you interact with others of differing personalities. The assessment cover situations at work and play, in various types of relationships and general life, and interactions with all other personality types in Jung’s system.

A side reason, possibly funner and more practical reason, is to see how you compare with anyone else who has taken a version of this, MBTI® or KTS®… or can be persuaded to take one by you. You can even compare yourself to famous people and fictional characters who might have never taken the assessment! Jung’s personality typing system is actually a theory so experts have been able to type people who have never taken the assessments based on their known actions (not words).

If you’ve done MBTI® or KTS® some years before, you might want to try “it” again as people change over time. This is truer if they have lived through life changing events like marriage, children, trauma or otherwise.

Downloads for the personality assessment tool

There are two Excel files for download here, in which you can answer the questions to get your personality type identified and assessed. One file is a modified KTS® assessment with the “best” questions, in my opinion, from KTS® versions I and II. The other is the same assessment with very basic English or “plain language” for people not completely fluent in English. Theoretically, you should get the same result doing either assessment.

Click here to download the Free Personality Assessment (Excel file)

  • Based on the best Jungian personality assessment tool available, in my opinion, developed by David Keirsey in his classic books Please Understand Me and Please Understand Me II.
  • Version here is a “best of” KTS® versions I and II, using questions I thought would elicit most honest answers from most users. KTS-II® is used by the KTS site.
  • Questions ask about real life situations, not abstract concepts like preferred words.
  • Does not ask for absolute answers, but rather preferences.
  • Has been extensively used around the world. Claims to be most popular personality assessment in the world and Web traffic seems to indicate that, but MBTI® is probably most well-known from its longer history (close to 50 years).
  • Has flaws of challenging language, cultural bias, references and expressions which may be challenging to those not fluent in English or have low literacy.

Click here to download the Free Plain Language Personality Assessment (Excel file)

  • Mostly uses questions from the “best of” Modified KTS® version above, for the reasons that make it excellent.
  • Language is simplified so those for whom English is a foreign language, or those with low grade reading levels, can do the assessment and do it accurately. This is actually an excellent ESL or EFL class exercise!
  • Idioms or expressions are minimized.
  • Terms with cultural bias, like noble or stigmatized words, are eliminated.

Doing the Personality Assessment (Fig 1)

Please refer to Figure 1 above.

  • There are 74 multiple choice questions to the test.
  • Just put A or B in the boxes beside each question.
  • You can’t select any cells besides those so no worries about messing up the file.
  • If you put anything besides A or B, the file will tell you to do otherwise.

Getting your Results Summary (Fig 2)

After you have entered an acceptable answer for all 74 questions, click on the RESULTS tab near the bottom left of the window to get your results.

The file tabulates your scores so there are no mistakes, and gives you a summary as shown above.

Click Print and it will print out all on one page automatically, if you want a print out.

Your Results Summary and Full Assessment (Fig 3)

Your results summary is just a brief part of your full assessment. There are multiple PDF files available with tens of pages of content for you to consider if you so wish.

Please click here to download files specific for your personality type results.

MBTI and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are trademarks or registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc., in the United States and other countries.

194 thoughts on “Free Personality Assessments Based on Works of Jung, Myers, Briggs and Keirsey

          • Can I use this for our thesis? For categorization purposes only. We need introvert participants you see. We need this personality test to know if they’ll turn out as introverts.

          • Definitely! Just know that it’s not academically approved, as in it’s not in a journal. However, I could defend its quality on an objective basis. It just won’t matter to the academics so be ready for that criticism if you use it. 🙂

          • Thank you! By the way, does this have a psychometric property? That’s good to hear! If you don’t mind me asking, how will you defend it in an objective basis?

          • No, it doesn’t. I’d defend it by dissecting question by question. Many are similar to an academic version by academics who pursued it like Myers, Briggs, Keirsey, etc. But then compare my wording to theirs, whether we’re talking about a life situation over an abstract, or a version without a word now stigmatized, or whether asking for higher likelihood instead of YES or NO as if people will always go one way or another. I can defend I have a more realistic question to have a greater likelihood of drawing out the truer answer from the respondent.

    • It’s at the bottom of your Excel screen (not your whole screen), where you see the word Test… if you’re using Excel. If you’re using Quattro or Google Office or such other spreadsheets, I don’t know. I didn’t design it for those programs.

        • Try looking for the View menu and put it to normal instead of Print or some other choice. Either that or save the file and take it to another machine, maybe at work, or ask someone to see if they can choose the right view choice that shows Tab. It should be the default because most people can find this tab. Otherwise, without seeing your situation, it’s hard to say what’s going on. Hope something works for you.

          • Thanks for the tip, I have found that choosing the view tab at the top of the screen you can then get the test and results tabs at the bottom left. again thanks works pretty good, great work.

  1. Well, phooey. OpenOffice doesn’t like this file whatsoever. Whenever I try to click in any of the answer boxes it gives me an error pop-up about it being a protected cell. 😦

  2. Hey, this is great. I’m a student researcher who is employing a Myers-Briggs test in my study. May I use your enhanced (simplified) Myers-Briggs questions? I’ll be glad to credit you in the paper.

    • Hi Casey, please feel free to use what’s here. You can credit if you like. I don’t require it but your teacher/s might. 🙂

      Thanks for asking and good luck!


  3. WOW! What a fabulous program you’ve built here!

    I really appreciate the time and effort that you’ve spent putting this together. I’ve been chatting with my co-workers about the MBTI (helps that I have one who already knows his type – INFP), and thanks to you I can, um, cajole them into taking the test and having a chance to address some communication issues we’ve been experiencing. : D

    (Hmmm, exclamation points, emoticons, extraneous information – I *must* be an ENFP, right? Hee hee!)

    • Thanks, Elizabeth! Glad you found the test and results useful and thanks for taking the time to comment.

      In the results PDF for different personality types, there are sections on dealing with colleagues, bosses and subordinates so they may be rather useful to your described situation. They are usually classified by the subject’s personality type, though, so if someone had an ENTJ (field marshal) boss, they should look in the ENTJ file for the section on how to deal with ENTJ bosses.

      That said, nobody should worry about revealing what they are because if people interpret the results correctly, nobody is that way all the time and has a piece of each of the opposite trait so “boxing them in” isn’t wise. it’s a “probability” tool that someone is some way “most” of the time, with “most” being anywhere from 51% to 100% (though more unlikely as it gets closer to 100%).

      As for your your type based on what you said? E to be expressive and involve others for sure. N to see the big picture to involve others. NFs tend to love this stuff most, but T to be rational to see value to solve a problem. However, J types also can be pretty adamant with exclamation points to hammer home their opinions. 🙂

      Way too hard to tell with that little info that you presented here, to be honest. 🙂

        • Hi Allison, I hope you saved the file so you didn’t lose your answers. Can you check to see that every question has an answer in it, and only the letter, so not like a letter and a space, or space and letter, etc. ? The results mechanism works on a “logical” basis so that only when every question has a one letter only, A or B, answer, will there be results. So if that’s the case, then there should be results. No results means that’s not the case.

  4. Dear Digital Citizen,
    loved the test, but I NEVER found the result tab. I even tried going to the last cell, I searched to see if it found the cell and it gave me a $I$316 and when I looked for it it was all black , nothing was there. On the search box it said some of my result but when I clicked on it, it would tell me it was protected :(. Im so upset if you could please helpe me its for an assigment. “Extreamly loyal to your peers, but not usually respet of…” thats it. I will save in so when you reply.

    • Hi Alex, I took a screen capture and highlighted the Results Tab in Red for you to see, then emailed it to you. Make sure your viewing mode is NORMAL, which should be the default and the others I do believe show you the tabs, too. It should be in the lower left corner, the Tabs, as shown in the graphic I emailed you with instructions. Not sure I can be of more help. The protection on the Worksheet will not help you find the Results Tab. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do but not sure what after showing you the screen with the Tab highlighted as I did in the graphic I emailed you.

    • Hi Adam.

      Thank you for the interest in the Myers-Briggs tests I have put into Excel. You are more than welcome to use them. There is no charge for it as I do this stuff in kind. I have sent you an email stating the same and should there be anything else I can help you with, you can ask me there.


  5. Hi, can I use this test for my church’s cell leaders self-awareness seminar? I would have to print the test. How is it scored then? Thanks.

    • Hi Aileen, you most certain can. That’s a bit complicated to explain how it is scored. I would suggest having someone enter each person’s written test score into their own file to get the result. It’s like data entry and should be manageable to do. Sorry I can’t help more than that but there’s a better chance my explanation would be misunderstood or followed incorrectly.

  6. Thank you so much for this! I’ve actually done the MBTI test before but I’ve been redoing it over the last week. I wanted to see if I kept getting the same result even with (slightly) different tests and questions. Answer is; I’m still an INTP. 🙂 So thank you for giving me yet another (much more official and authentic) version (probably the right one) of the MBTI test to do!

    • You’re very welcome. People do change over time, though, especially after life changing events like marriage, children, trauma or otherwise. So don’t be surprised if you change in the future. However, INTP is lovely. It’s my natural match and I haven’t met an INTP I haven’t liked less than a lot. 🙂

  7. I tried both personality test links. There was no “results” tab at the bottom on either test. The only word on the very bottom was”ready” with no tool bar or tabs above it as is shown in the sample. Please advise what is wrong or how to locate “results” tab.

    • Hi Byron, this is a bit tough without a visual on what you are seeing, but let me try.

      If you are not using Excel to open the file, then it’s the software incompatibility. If you are using Excel, look for the button to “maximize” the spreadsheet so it is at full screen. That would be the little button to the left of the “X” icon in the upper right of the spreadsheet window. That’s the spreadsheet window where the cells are, not the Excel window which also encompasses the tool bars above the cells in the worksheet.

      It might be that the file is set to open at a size larger than your screen size and the Results tab at the bottom is hidden. Clicking on the “maximize” icon will fit it to your screen size, then it should show the Results tab at the bottom.

      Other than that, I really have no idea what is happening on your computer without a visual because pretty much everybody else has gotten this to work. Maybe check with someone you know who knows Excel to diagnose your situation? Hope this helps.

      • Byron,

        I had the exact same thing happen (using Excel 2010). Even trying to minimize that tab didn’t work as no other tabs showed up. The only way I could get it to work was to View in Full Screen…and then it had “Test” and “Results” at the bottom.

        Hope that works for you.

  8. Hey Minh, thanks for sharing this. Its a very nice update to the old 60 question test I took 5 years ago. good job and great effort on the excel conversion. i need to share this page with my fbook friends 🙂

    • Thank you, Lester. It took a LOT of hours for me to do, not including the learning “time” over the years that it took me to really understand the test and results meanings. Please do share the page with your FB friends. I think you’ll all find it fun to see what you are and better understand why some of you are the way you are. 🙂

  9. Thank you so much for:

    * Your time, detication and commitment.
    * Utilizing your gifts and abilites to impact the world.
    * Imparting into our lives and in the lives of those arround us.

  10. Awesome and so user friendly. Very grateful that you created this tool and didn’t “surprise” me at the end with having to pay only $29.99 or more for results!

    • Hahaha! I try to be very honest in life so when I say “free”, I MEAN free! I don’t like those things with surprise payment requests at the end for outcomes after you do the tests, either!

  11. For my your really impressive test worked just great on LibreOffice Calc. LibreOffice is OpenOffice adapted for newest version of Ubuntu (Linux OS). Both are free.

    I do appreciate this stuff very much! It is so cool that you just did something as amazing as this and gave it away for free. Respect. Thank you very much one more time.


  12. Hi Minh
    Thanks for putting this all together. Being versed with Excel programming myself, I know that it must has taken many hours.
    Just a question about the ISFJ and INFJ. I noticed that both are called Protectors. Is this correct?

  13. Cảm ơn anh Minh Tân nhiều, em đang học môn Professional Project và cần phải làm cái này. Tìm vật vã tự nhiên ra blog của anh. File excel anh làm hay quá. Giờ thì em có thể take cái test này mà khỏi phải trả tiền. Cảm ơn anh nhìu nhìu, hiiiii xD. Có điều em ko hiểu lắm về “FieldMarshal”, chắc phải google thôi hehe ^________^

  14. Hi I think the MBTI excel sheet with the answers is really cool and a very useful tool. So thanks a lot for sharing it. Just one suggestion. Would you consider doing another version which is a bit more detailed as regards the statements as I find that some people might not really understand the statement since it is short. Keep up the incredible work1

    • Thanks for the comps, Reggie. I devoted a lot of time to this entire package of the tests and the supporting PDFs, not to mention preparations on planning how to do this in the first place. While there likely are some shortcomings, just as with any test, I’m content to leave it as is. I did edit some of the statements as they were to start seeing the two versions of the test presented. The rest one could argue over till eternity as to what is best for people to understand.

      If you prefer to do some of the statements, you could always give a paper copy with your version of the statements in the same order, then tell the participants to use this spreadsheet to enter the answers they had on their paper copy. This spreadsheet will give the same results your participants achieved, but will do all the tallying work. Best of both worlds.

    • Hi Klaas, I could only find a low resolution version of the colour wheel, and I don’t have time to recreate it in high resolution. It’s probably available in some books, but I can’t help you there. I only found it useful as an icon so that’s why I have it in this post. Sorry I can’t be more helpful.

  15. Hello, i like your Excel work here. I don’t want to be a killjoy but surely you need permission to run/use a Myres-Briggs test from the Myres-Briggs foundation. I believe they charge for this service too. Let me know your thoughts on this as i am interested to use your test in my PhD work but have to make sure copyright is OK. Thanks Tess

    • Hi Tess, I didn’t use the Myers-Briggs test as it were because I found their questions too abstract for a lot of people to give realistic answers. I liked the Keirseyan Temperament version because they were more real life based. That said, I also modified the KT version to remove a lot of stygmatized words that lead people to answer one way or another (more noble or more tainted word biases). I also added the tie-breakers in a concept that I’m shocked nobody has had in their tests because nobody is perfectly 50-50 in life split on any trait, so why have ties? I don’t know what’s required on copyright to do all this stuff, but I’m not doing it for profit, and believe I’ve added enough modifications to share with people for their enjoyment. Nobody would accept this as a proper Myers-Briggs score if they needed a person to take it officially anyway, so I don’t think I’m depriving anybody of income. You’ll have to check for your thesis, but know that my version isn’t “scientific”, either, so I wouldn’t advise it for something as important as PhD work. Academics frown upon “rogue” tests like mine. 🙂

  16. Hi I just took the test and I learnt about the MBTI in my MBA course and was highly thrilled by 90% accuracy of it though some questions were not accurate or may be i didnt understood them. But still this is really amazing this. But can you tell me one thing how to check if we really need to improve in some areas and if I do i would be happy to do it. I feel i need to improve.

    Charu Gupta

    • Hi Charu, thanks for your comments and question. The results will never be 100% accurate because they are for your dominant traits, which means you are like that “most” of the time (more than half so 51-99%), not all of the time. The stronger your dominant trait, the more accurate the results will seem to you (i.e. if you don’t really have dominant traits, it would only seem right half the time cause the other half of the time, you are showing the opposite trait).

      The profile PDF in the download page linked in the spreadsheet results, containing the letters in your profile, gives thoughts on what weaknesses such a person may have. However, that person has to decide which are weaknesses. Two people with the same personalities won’t often have the same weaknesses. The profiles are meant to help identify those weaknesses (as well as strengths).

      Even beyond that, though, if you try to be self-critical in a fair way (which is hard), I don’t believe you would need MBTI to help you. Look at the patterns in your life and try to find things. There are also a lot of skills and traits not meant to be covered by MBTI, such as fitness for your health, math skills, coordination, etc. You would be better off to be self-critical and open the potential to improve fully rather than just on what a personality test and profile tells you.

      Finally, I’d like to share one of my life philosophies with you. It’s a Japanese concept and word called KAIZEN – the art of constant self-improvement. It’s a way of thinking and a way of life for me. That doesn’t mean you’re never good enough. It means you can always be better. You define “better” so it’s not like you’ll have to constantly run faster as you age, but maybe pick up a new skill while maintaining your fitness, etc. You’ll know if you did it right when you accomplish your goals to become “better”. And that’s “better” relative to yourself, not against other people, since you are the ultimate measuring stick.

      Hope that helps. 🙂

  17. Hi Minh
    I have created several personality related spreadsheet files and am in the process of creating a similar MBTI spreadsheet which automaticlly generates reports through Excel and/or Word.
    I have several sugestions for your spreadsheet. however it would be better to discuss these outside this forum. Would you like to correspond though email?

  18. Thank you for putting this MBTI test available for all. The excel work is really fantastic and the test really helped me in my assignment analyzing myself.

  19. Very nice. I’ll use this survey in an English Language Discussion group and appreciate the simpler vocabulary used. I tested it and it gave me the same results I remember getting 20 years ago!

    Is there a way to copy/paste or just extract the 74 questions in text only format so they can be formatted to print out on 2-3 pages? I’d like to hand out paper copies for the students to work on individually, then quickly input their answers on the Excel sheet for computation one-by-one when they are finished. I think that will allow me process the group of 15 faster.

    Thanks for your help. Lon K.

  20. I am on a crossroad at this season of my life where I am trying to figure out which direction to take regarding a new career. I found your test very helpful, easy and confirming of what I was already feeling in my gut. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

  21. i just answered all 74 questions and there is no results box or tab at the bottom of the xls that i was working on. I even came back to the website and followed our instructions for how to get the results, and I’m still not seeing it. All I have is a spreadsheet with 74 questions, and no ‘end’ to the page and no other tabs or sheets in the xls file. So unfortunately it was all a waste of my time

    • Lyn, I hope you saved your file. Save it and ask someone about it. It might be the viewing mode you have it on or some other thing, if you are viewing it in Excel. It might not work in something other than Excel. Also, make sure you have an A or B in all the answers because if you don’t, there’s an error message beside the answer. Tens of thousands of people have done this and people found their way to get results sooner or later. It’s not you, and it’s not the file. Good luck.

  22. Hi there,
    love your xls sheet, thanks for putting time & effort in it,
    i’d like to make a french version of it, yet the doc is “protected”, could we discuss via email if you could provide me an unprotected copy of your english one, then i’ll translate it in FR and hand over back a copy of my FR version for whatever you like to do with it,

    what i plan to do :
    – an unprotected FR version for my use (& maybe web diffusion for free ?)
    – keep private your unprotected EN version, it is yours…

    what i really need is the XLS computing structure as i’m a bit lazy to do one myself… and your’s is clean & nice 😉


    • Hi Brice, thanks for the offer but I’ve been in the process of getting culturally reliable translations for the test in four of the world’s major alphabetic languages, one of which is French. It’s just taking time to vet it to discuss cultural connotations, but once I’m satisfied (as much as one can be without knowing those languages), I plan to post them.

      • great news then,
        in the meantime i’ve already translated a 70-Questions set from EN to FR (my mother tongue lang),
        if you’d like to get a copy of it, hit me!

  23. Wow….
    That’s awesome!
    I’ve been looking for a free MBTI test, and I found your site!
    Works like wonder, thanks!

  24. Thanks for the resource. It is the best avaialable yet. Did you think about having it available in spanish. I am willing to translate if you send me the excel unprotected. Write back to me.

  25. Hi there, i finish all the questions, but when i click on result tab doesn’t seem to show the result. May i know what is the problem?

    • Try changing the View under the View Menu to something other than what you have now. That seems to be the most common reason why people have this problem. I hope you saved your file so the results are still there.

  26. this is a nice test,,,,could i used this test for research ? is the test valid ? could i get in bahasa indonesia ? please email me,,,,,

    • Hi Hasniah, I would not use this test for academic research. Research is rigorous on tests that have been used before by others. While I’m convinced this version accomplishes the same end results, and actually better for some reasons stated, I don’t have the database of results of similar tests for comparison so I would not recommend this be used for academic research.

  27. Hello, Is the french version of the Personaly assessment question form avaiable.

    Please let me know

      • Thank you, however, in november 2011, a post mentions that you we working on translating the assessement in several languages, I was wondering if it was almost done. Well …guest will have to wait! In the mean, its a really great tool!

        • Oh, the people helping changed their minds on helping. Wanted money for their help instead of just credit. I make no money on this and don’t plan to so that was the end of all that. Sorry.

  28. I loved the test. Can I use it commercially? Can you share with me how you tabulated the scores?

    • Thanks. You can use it commercially if you like, but it’s not THE standard test of any version to the exact detail so don’t advertise it as such since your clients will get mad thinking they paid for some exact standard test.

      As for how the scores are tabulated, fill it all out, then change one answer at a time and see how the scores move. Each question deals with one box so changing a letter will reduce the percent score, unless you were on the cusp between the two letters, in which case then, the letter will switch. Because each question is worth the same, you can tell each question’s influence.on the whole score. Not the same for every letter.

      • So all questions are equal weighted for each color box? Also, were you able to do an excel for the relationship one? Thanks again

        • Yes. There are close to twice as many questions for the last 3 boxes as the first, though. It’s just the way the original tests were created (11 to 21, 21, 21). I haven’t gotten around to the relationships one, but not sure I will. Got too many things on the go.

  29. So I’ve read a comment asking if the person could use this quiz for their research. Thing is–I looked over it too, and I find it more than acceptable for my highschool’s Science Fair project. I don’t require an actual MBTI test for my project, but I do need an MBTI-like quiz to distribute to people online. I could put a disclaimer down, and of course, I’d give you the credit for creating this test.

    If you’d like to hear more about my project, please reply (because I think I’ve emailed around 20 sites with no reply; not even a negative one. My deadline is in three more days. And if I don’t meet that deadline, I fail the project. So please, reply quickly.)

    • Please go right ahead, Jenny! Credits is up to you. I did the appropriate tweaking for people to use freely. I’d love to hear more about your project and good luck!

      • Wonderful! Thanks so much.

        I’m going to see if there is a correlation between a person’s Myers-Briggs type and their current job satsifaction, specifically in teachers. Because my questionnaire is going to be given immediatley after the MBTI, long-term accuracy isn’t needed.

        So once again, thank you very much! You have just saved a highschool student from a terrible grade.

  30. Hello,
    What a brilliant and ingenious format for these personality inventories, and done with such beauty and ease. Good for you. Yet what impresses me most is that you have done this for the public good. How kind.
    I’ve been looking for a free-use personality inventory to use in a curriculum for the company I work for in Phoenix, AZ called S.T.A.R., Stand Up and Recover. We are a non-profit that educates and empowers persons with severe mental illness with ways to enjoy recovery. Currently, I’m writing a curriculum for pre-employment skills, and would like to use your assessment for this by printing it out, then administering it, then inputting the answers into the spreadsheet to provide each person with that very valuable print-out. Of course, my Executive Director would like to make sure that I have permission to use this and am not breaking any copyright laws. Can I please have this written permission here, and at [email removed to avoid spambots]? Thanks so much. Also, if you have other free-use information on interpreting this, that would be of great help.
    Again, thank you for sharing your brilliance and doing it with such altruism.
    All the best to you and yours,


    • Hi Bobbe, please feel free to use it. There’s a good feeling that comes with people finding value in things one creates for the good of society. Thank you so much for taking the time to ask and share what value it will have to you. I’ll confirm to the email as asked, then remove it to avoid spam-bots from getting at it. I have LOTS of supporting material on the site as well, which is the link in the results.

      • Hi,
        I congratulate you for your efforts, really appreciating! comments show how helpful for the public your work is!

        I am building a social web application that will enable people knowing themselves and taking necessary actions to improve their personality. I would like to incorporate your questionnaire in my application, of course i would provide backlink to your post so people get to know who is the person behind!

        I would also like to have written permission of you plus good stuff that you can share with me to help improve individuals and ultimately our society.

        Thank You

        Waqas Ahmed

        • Hi Waqas, you’re most welcomed to use the spreadsheets and supporting documents I have on my site. As for the improving ourselves and each other, I think a better understanding by everyone about how they are, and how each other might be, to be more accepting of differences, is a great place to start.


  31. Hi Digital Citizen (Minh Tan),
    I would like to ask for permission to use your Temperament test tool on my research. I would also like to ask if you have the reliability and validity of your tool? If you have time kindly e-mail me.

    Thank you very much!


  32. […] Here’s a gift to satisfy your curiosity. It’s one of the most accurate online MBTI like assessments in a spreadsheet. Okay, you may or may not have complete confidence in assessments. When I trained in two of the most popular behavior and personality types in the world, it became clear that when this happens, it might be because either our answers were as we thought they needed to be, or we didn’t understand the questions. So give this one, it’s free, based on the works of Jung, Myers, Briggs and Keirsey a try. The most confident of us are self-aware. When you know your traits you can use them to your advantage in any situation. Yes; even the holidays. Here’s the link for later: […]

  33. Greetings! I have just had 10 colleagues fill in the MBTI assessment and they have emailed me their results. Is there a way that I can put then all on one document and assess them as a team to see how they would work best together as a TEAM? Any ideas and leads would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    • I like the diagram linked below.

      Basically, each sector of 4 squares from each corner work well together. Tops also work well with each other at top, same with bottoms. Further away generally work together less well than closer, but not always true. Put down a dot for each code in each area if you want a balanced group. If your group’s tasks and purpose suits a few codes, then try to stack them, obviously.

      But I prefer the general rule stated. Same two inside letters differing outside letters match up best, so like ENTJ and INTP. Same NT. Different E/I and P/J. Think of it another way. You see the world the same way (N). You make decisions the same way (T), based on same values (N, how you see the world). However, one will speak out more (E) and be more decisive (J), while the other says less and is accepting (i.e. fewer arguments), while not giving up control or freedom because s/he sees things similarly and decides using a similar process (more rational than feelings, in this case). Could easily also work with INTJ and ENTP, so that the E person doesn’t have to be the J person making decisions, either. That’s the theory I use.

      After that. try for same middle two letters and similar in 1 or 2 of other letters. Same idea. A little less ideal.

      See if the people who get along well in your group fit this pattern. It’s not the be all and end all, as other things can matter big, like having kids in common. However, theory is pretty good, I have found, tested over many people.

  34. Hi Digital Citizen,

    I would like to ask for permission to use your Temperament test tool on my non-profit website for students in developing countries.

    Same as someone asked earlier, I would also like to ask if you have the reliability and validity of your tool? If you have time kindly e-mail me.

    Thank you very much!

          • No. The Myers-Briggs Foundation would have info like what percentage of the population was of each type and such. My version altered the questions to take some language, cultural and personal biases out of several versions of tests by Myers, Briggs, Keirsey and others, and to make the language simpler to understand. But people download and do their thing. There is NO tracking of results or anything. Anyone who wants to share here could but you can probably see very few have.

  35. Hello! You have done a wonderful job with this! It is a great, thorough and well-researched alternative to the paid assessments. I am a Learning Consultant and the company I work for would love to utilize your tool. We wouldn’t be using it in Excel though and would like to utilize it in a different format (more of a web-based survey program format). I would credit you as the source of the content and would link back to your site. Would that be okay with you?

  36. Just wondering what your background and credentials are. The tool is great and I really like how the results can be read easily and printed on one page.

    • Thanks. I have an honours Bachelor of Science, some computer skills, graphic design training and experience, a lot of interests that I pursue very seriously like with these tests, and a liking to do things to help others. I’m not going to call myself an expert in the matter because I don’t have formal training proof. However, I’m an analyst by profession and I can honestly say that I do this stuff better than a lot of people out there. In any field, there are people from horrible to great. I wanted to make sure I learned this well enough to do so at a level I can feel proud about and objectively justify as being good work. This is especially true if I were putting it out there to help people, cause it’s not a good idea to help people if you could likely leave them worse off. I feel I have done that with this package.

    • You GO for it, though if you need help with the scoring, I’ll help you rather than removing the password to the spreadsheet. I just like to keep it that way. Let me know here and I’ll email you directly. Thanks and good luck!

  37. Next month I’m taking people through a course designed to reveal their life purpose. As part of this I plan on using MBTI / KTS as who they are (personality) is a massive clue. On searching for these tests I came across your site with the excel tool which is a huge help so thank you. As there are no computers available in the venue, I had planned on typing out the questions so the group can do the exercise together. Which leads me to my question. Are your questions copyrighted? Can I type then out? I guess that leads to another question – are the MBTI / KTS questions copyrighted? Can I reproduce their/your questions?

    • Hi Karl, as long as you don’t call it the MBTI and KTS, you’re fine to copy and use the question and test as I have it. I have permissions, but the key thing is you don’t call it those tests because it is brand confusion. I hope that helps. Good luck with your course!


  38. Hi Minh,

    I took the test and I am an INFP. Loved the PDFs and the test is just so awesome. Can you tell what is your personality type? I guess your too an INFP. I really loved your work. I made a facebook page on MBTI and I am trying to make this page available to those who don’t know about it . . I have given the link to this page, so that people can download the assessment. I did this because I feel this tool can play wonders in uniting people and helping them know each other better. Hope you don’t mind.

    I am very much interested in Psychology. So can you tell us how did you make these awesome PDFs. I am pursuing Engineering. But I also want to learn psychology. Can you give me references on which books to read and any online course that I can do?

    Thank you in advance!


    • Hi Umesh,

      Thank you for your comments, and especially your FB page on the topic with a link here. I’m grateful and honoured you did. I believe the same things about the value of this tool to help people better understand each other to foster better relationships.

      I am actually ENTJ with marginal E and T scores above 50%. However, I try to keep that to myself, oddly enough, because I know being demanding in life often gets you further back than forward where there are other people involved. There are times for it, but there are also not times for it. When it comes to me alone, though, I’m a bit more ruthless in things I set my mind to for expectations. 🙂

      I do balance that ENTJ drive with INFP and INTP stretches, though, because I know I’d burn out if I were ENTJ all the time. I do choose what to let go, when to just go with the flow (INFP) and when to be more accepting rationally (INTP). However, those times are generally all decided by the ENTJ commander (thinking judgmentally on the concept I would burn out as an ENTJ all the time), so I’m not “natural” in those modes, but I am learning to be comfortable in them.

      If that sounds complicated, it is. We’re not simple when it comes to personality. I think the person who succeeds best in life is one who can be as many of the types as possible, with insight on when to be which for best impact. You can take that in a manipulative kind of way, but I use it in an accommodating kind of way. I’m not trying to be fake or manipulate people. I’m trying to be what it takes to our relationships work best. That doesn’t mean I completely give up ground or be whatever it takes to make things work best, because a lot of times, people don’t need people to accommodate them, they need people to challenge them! Best is not always smoothest. 🙂

      As for commenting, I am INTP to be accepting and rational of the many view points shown. I also learn and grow that way, rather than condemning what I don’t agree with as an ENTJ might. They’re not the best for many situations! Know your weaknesses and work on them, basically.

      Finally, as for books, I found Please Understand Me by David Kiersey and Marilyn Bates to be useful. Get the gist of the theory and system. Then learn through application in life. I don’t know all of my friends’ and colleagues’ types, but I can tell you I have an idea of their type I face when I deal with them (which is the one that matters most, anyway, cause if they’re not their main type dealing with you, dealing with their main type will only lead to problems). Apply it like that and get experience. Better than a hundred books. Hope all that helps!


  39. Do you mind if I quote a few of your posts as long as I provide credit and sources back to your webpage?

    My blog is in the exact same area of interest as yours and my users would certainly benefit from some of the information you provide here.
    Please let me know if this alright with you. Many thanks!

    • Hi Lauren, there is not. I made it for free sharing. MBTI people have even worked with me to allow it and avoid brand confusion with their product. Please feel free to use it and share it with others you know! Thanks.


  40. Hi Digital Citizen,

    I wanted to use your tool to provide access to personality assessments to high students in India. Wanted to know:

    1) If I can use it for the same
    2) If there is any particular name you have given to this tool and I need to refer it by.

    Thanks a lot,

    • Hi Saahil, please feel free to use this tool. You can use the name of the post. It is long but it is true of what it stands for, that it was based on the works of some outstanding scientists. It is similar to, but NOT the same, as the most popular and reliable (in my opinion) personality assessment test out there. Please see the text in the post for exact details. Thank you for using the test. I made it for people to use for free and so it would be easy to find.

  41. Dear Minh,
    I passed the link to all my colleagues. I am an eLearning designer and work with teachers most of the time. It is a great tool to assess the students, offering a starting point in self-knowledge.

    Thank you for your work.

    • You’re very welcome. Thank you for using that work and taking the time to let me know it was useful to you and your colleagues. Please let me know if you have questions or feedback otherwise.


  42. Dear Minh,

    Firstly, I think your resources are absolutely fantastic, and your replies to users comments shows your a very kind and genuine person, theres not many people like you left in society.

    I was wondering if you would kind enough to email me giving me permission to user your resources for my company. My company is focused at providing young people with help and advice to guide them int their best suited career path, preventing them fro falling into unemployment.

    Im happy to credit you for your work where used if needed,

    Kind regards,


  43. Hello! You have done a wonderful job with this! I am a teacher who’s starting up a company aimed at helping young people identify their best suited career, I would love to utilize your tool. I wouldn’t be using it in Excel though and would like to utilize it in a different format (more of a web-based/app format). I will credit you as the source of the content, its only right that you’re recognised for what you’ve done as its really impressive. Is this okay with you? If so could you please drop me an email giving me permission.

      • Thanks Minh,

        I’ve sent you an email detailing what it is I’m looking at producing. If you could have a look and let me know your thoughts that would be great 🙂

      • Hello,

        What I had in mind was basically the same as Barry above, however, I will be integrating it in my matchmaking process. To help my client understand their own personality better. I will also credit you as source of the content. Please send me an email giving me permission if you still okay with people using your work this way.

        Thank you

  44. hello, I love your work and I am asking for permission to incorporate the test in my matchmaking process ( it is For profit ). Could you please email me permission?

    Thank You

  45. Hello,
    I would like to use the amazing excel version of personality test you have created (personality Assessments Based on Works of Jung, Myers, Briggs and Keirsey) for my University project. My aim is to do research on personality type of Cost Engineers in British Construction industry.

    I would like to get in touch with you, and ask if you will be happy for me to use the template of test created by you for my reseach? Also, do you have any knowledge or experience in personality testing?

    I would love to get in touch.
    Could you contact me via email please?

  46. Hello,

    I would like to use the amazing excel version of personality test you have created (personality Assessments Based on Works of Jung, Myers, Briggs and Keirsey) for my University project. My aim is to do research on personality type of Cost Engineers in British Construction industry.

    I would like to get in touch with you, and ask if you will be happy for me to use the template of test created by you for my reseach? Also, do you have any knowledge or experience in personality testing?

    I would love to get in touch.

  47. Hi Minh! I’m a Psych/Human Development major turned graphic designer. I’m working on a new product geared toward helping creatives with building a brand and would like to include your test. This is a for profit product however and I’m not sure how the copyright and/or permissions work with that. I know you have given permission for people to use it and share freely but am wondering if it is okay to include it in a product I am selling. If you are willing to give permission, can you email me with written consent? Thank you so much!

  48. Hi! I’m Shawn, currently a computer science major, and I’m currently working on a simple personality test app for iOS and possibly other devices. If you’re willing to, I would love to have written consent (via email) from you to use the information and questions provided in this test!

    It’s a very nice list of questions, thank you 🙂

  49. Hello!

    My name is Arica and I am a Psychology/Sociology undergraduate student. I am currently working on creating my senior research thesis project and I am interested in studying personality. I found your amazingly done Myers-Briggs test and I was wondering if you would give me permission to use your questionnaire for my project? If you do not mind my using it, I would greatly appreciate it if you could e-mail me your written consent to show my project advisor. I would make sure to credit you and all of your work in my project as well as send you the results of my study.

    I would greatly appreciate getting in contact with you so please let me know. It is a very nicely done list of questions and I am curious to know if you would be willing/able to share any results of previous people’s research that used your questions?

    Thank you so much and I hope to hear back from you!

    • Hi Africa, I will email you and give permission as requested. Please just don’t call it the Myers-Briggs test to avoid brand confusion. They and I have worked to do that since my version is a variant based on others’ research, as well as my own input as documented in the post. Thank you for your interest.


      • Thank you so much I really appreciate it! I will be sure to call it the Personality Assessment tool instead. I look for to hearing from you!

  50. Thank you! By the way, does this have a psychometric property? That’s good to hear! If you don’t mind me asking, how will you defend it in an objectively?

  51. This is a terrific test! Thank you. What is your background and/or what motivated you to put this together? Thanks again.

    • Thanks, Chris. When I first did the Myers-Briggs, I thought too many questions were abstract, like preferred words, and misleading since some had positive and negative connotations. I did further research and found out there were other tests with lots of academic “approval”, some built on MB and others were just another version. I studied them and decided to make my own version where questions were more like real life questions. Then I added the “tie-breaker” question so nobody ends up with an even balance of both traits as I don’t believe anybody is that perfectly balanced. Too much work to market and such so I did it for karma to give the world something free to use, that had more value in its quality in my opinion, but “worthless” professionally so as not to compete with other professional tests. You can’t take your results from here and expect a firm to accept it. A study where someone else will take the time to scrutinize this test, sure, but MB and others are still getting their money from “approved” tests someone can submit professionally. Mine is free and not robbing them of any potential income cause if mine weren’t here, those taking it probably won’t pay the money for MB or other versions. They’d just look for other free versions. I just hope karma will reward me well. 🙂

      • Wow, a terrific response! Thanks. I do have a thought about leveraging the work in the work place as a component of a startup. Would you mind giving me the permission via email? It would be great to see this work live on in a lot of places!

        • Thanks, Chris. The email has been sent with the general condition neither you nor anyone else profit from this test specifically. That is, use it for your needs, and package it in with services, but only charge for those services and such, not this test. A optional request to direct people here to get the test and supporting documents, but that is optional. Thank you for your interest and good luck with your endeavours!


  52. I would like to ask for permission to use your tool on students I teach. Also I would like to know how reliable is the tool to advice them regarding the career to choose. please e mail me

  53. Hi Minh,

    I would like to use your excel test as part of my PhD research. I realise that the MBTI is a recognised test instrument, but it is also very restrictive in that it is pay to use, has to be administered by a certified practitioner, etc. For my research the MBTI restrictions render it impractical. However, since I will be drawing comparisons with previous research involving the MBTI, I wondered if you had done any side-by-side comparisons to see if there was consistency between your instrument and the MBTI in recognising personality types, or if anyone else had done a similar comparison.


    • Hi Graham, thank you for your interest in the assessment I created. I have NOT done any side-by-side comparison to see if there were consistency. That is, in part, because I would hope there would be a little inconsistency. I didn’t set out to copy MBTI. I thought some of the questions could have been asked differently, around real life situations rather than abstractions like preference for words or black and white sort of yes/no answers, to get more accurate results. Hence, if I succeeded, then there might be a little aberration. However, I have not tested the two side by side to know. Also, to know if I succeeded in at an academic level of stringency, I’d have to really get to know the subjects to see what they really were to know whether MBTI or my results were more accurate. And it’d only apply to a small number because in most cases, I would expect both assessments would yield the same results. The MBTI is pretty good at getting the right answers. 🙂 I also did mine to add more features like the tie-breaker questions and use percentage scores to interpret results more accurately instead of boxing in people to their 4 letters. Please let me know if you have other questions. Thanks and good luck with your research!


    • Hi Robert, I only know enough of one language to translate. I have long lost the passwords to unlock it for others to translate. I would suggest translating in a file you can print for people to read and answer. Then let them fill out the English version I have using the number of the questions as their guide. The letters that come out should be easy enough to translate as there are only 8 of them for whatever language to translate into.

  54. Hello Mihn,
    I would like to ask your permission to use this tool for my research. I find it very easy to answer for my respondents. This would be a great help. Thank you very much.

    • Hi, please go ahead and use it for your research. Just please don’t charge people to use it. I provide it free for the public good. And please share your research and/or results if you were willing at any time (after all done is fine). I’d love to know more about it. Thank you.


  55. Hi Minh! I also would like to use it for research (and will not charge) if you don’t mind. If you know, have the questions been validated any where for Myers Briggs compatibility (so I can include such a reference in any research paper)? Thank you!!!

    • HI Candice, these questions have NOT been validated for Myers-Briggs compatibility. They are very similar those used in the Kierseyan Temperament Sorter that is, in my opinion, a better version with more real life questions rather than abstract favoured words. That was what inspired this in the first place. I studied the questions to determine what they wanted to gain, and tweaked them for my own question that is not really any different. But I did not get them validated. Not even sure how to.

      If this assessment were still useful to you knowing that, please feel free to use it. Thank you.


    • Hi Francois, sorry for the delayed response. Did you check to see if there were a warning to the right of any answers? The programming is such that if the answer isn’t A or B, some text shows up to tell the user. Then, when all the answers are full, the results show up. I’m not sure if the programming (formulae in Excel), allows otherwise. If you can’t still figure it out, can I get you to send it to me to see? It’s hard to figure out otherwise. Thanks.


  56. Hi Minh,

    Thank you for taking the time to produce this valuable assessment. I wanted to ask your permission to provide it to my Coaching students. Not charged for. Would that be okay?

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