Canned Sardines in a Salad?

Yup! That’s what I did as I needed to use up some canned sardines I had, but the baguettes I used to get to eat them with have become out of my price range on principles. That is, I am used to be getting baguettes between a certain price range on a regular basis, at half off. However, since the store I used to get it at now only puts baguettes of really terrible conditions on such sale, while upping the price of regular baguettes beyond a certain price point, I’ll take a McDonald’s value meal instead of the canned sardines and such a baguette for a meal, thank you. I just happen to have a few cans of sardines bought on sale a while back to use up now, and I found this way that I might continue to buy canned sardines for future meals!

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A Level 2 Origami Dragon

A few years ago, I learned how to make the most well known of origami dragons. It was not too challenging, and looked neat. However, for the Lunar Year of the Dragon that began on Feb 10, 2024, I upped my origami dragon game with a much more challenging, and cooler looking origami dragon, as shown below along with the origami dragons I used to know how to make. I will still make them for a lot of occasions as they are quicker and easier, but for the special occasions, I have something a little more special to turn to!

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My Valentine’s Day Origami Giveaway

It’s a bit late to be sharing this here, but I posted it on the day on TikTok.

Up to Valentine’s Day, TikTok sent me a variety of hearts related origami in my feed that I use mostly for learning rather than entertainment. Once I saw a handful to realize there was a good variety there, I took it upon myself to learn them, then make them out of larger than usual papers, to just give away on Valentine’s Day. Evening, to be exact. I left them on tables in the Scotia Square food court that was generally closed in terms of the food places, but open for others coming through, waiting for something, etc. who were not likely out on dates on the night.

Those origami hearts will be nice additions to my origami repertoire to personalize gifts, or be personalized gifts themselves! Thanks, TikTok!

While here, I should mention TikTok origamis are generally terrible for learning. They do them very quickly like trying to jam them into a soundtrack length rather than being helpful to the learner, and without verbal instructions to help further. However, they have more variety than what YouTube has ever sent me, and that is helpful because you can’t find things you don’t know what to search for, and the YouTube feed just wasn’t very good to show me interesting origami. It was all the same stuff or not even origami when I had watched and searched for a bunch that you think its algorithm would have known better!

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Standing Over a Ship

In Halifax, we have a large bridge over which you can walk, and under which large ships pass, in the MacDonald bridge. On a rare occasion or two, I have been walking on that bridge as a big ship passed underneath, making for a cool experience except for the ship exhaust that can be suffocating. We all have face masks to combat that exhaust now, after COVID, and since I was reminded of the experience being near the bridge as a ship passed one day, I have taken an interest to see if I can be over the bridge more often as some of the larger ships coming through passes under. It’s not quite as simple as a schedule presented online, because they don’t update it well, and variance can be by hours, which makes it challenging in the cold winter weather these days as I write this. However, I captured one such experience a month ago on my phone, of a ship leaving. I am hoping to catch one coming in the near future, and an even bigger ship. But for now, I hope this TikTok I made will give you a better idea of what my words were trying to convey.

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